Saturday, December 29, 2007

Mitsubishi UFJ H1 of Japan clear profit falls 49 pct - UPDATES

TOKYO, November 21, 2007 (Thomson financial supplied of Newstex) — Mitsubishi UFJ financial group (nyse:MTU) of Inc., largest bankers’ syndicate of Japan, said that Wednesday its Ersthaelfte clear profit 49 per cent fell and writedowns for its combat credit note reflected card business and losses, which were referred to its subprime credit risk. The company said clear profit for the fiscal first half until Septembers, to that to 256,72 billion Yen of 507,27 billion Yen one year was before dropped the financial Mitsubishi UFJ announced a loss of 4 billion Yen on its investments subprime in the mortgage backed securities supported by hypotheken and other one securitized values. The loss is smaller, than the 5 estimates billion Yen the formed bank late last month. At the at the end of September, had the group unrealized computational losses of 20 billion Yen on its subprime by hypotheken supported mortgage backed securities and others securitized values worth 260 billion Yen. however had Mitsubishi the UFJ, which is financial, unrealized netspeculative expectation of profit of 3,0 quintillion Yen, including which showed computational losses on the subprime connected values and that its entire briefcase remains healthy. TochterMitsubishi UFJ shares do not have suspension too subprime mortgage-connected investment service, the said group. In contrast to this Mizuho collateral is expected, a unit of the rivaling Mizuho financial group of Inc. (nyse:MFG), to take around itself on more than 130 billion Yen in the losses from values standing subprime in connection to ‘ our US unit, connection bank of California (nyse:UB), also offers not subprime Kreditvereinbarungen, ‘ Mitsubishi UFJ financial older acting managing director, whom Hiroshi Saito a press conference explained. Vorbesteuerungprofit, before extraordinary individual parts 25 per cent to 497,54 billion Yen fell, even as income 14,4 per cent to 3,25 quintillion Yen rose. While the subprime mortgage loan in connection standing losses were relatively small, the financial Mitsubishi UFJ took a larger impact of the profit troubles at its to credit note card unit Mitsubishi UFJ NIC OS ‘ the Ersthaelfte result walked from our output projection because of the special loss approx.. 60 billion Yen under, which were referred to reversal efforts at Mitsubishi the UFJ Nicos, ‘ Mitsubishi UFJ, that financial president Nobuo Kuroyanagi the press conference explained ‘ we can on to additional 20 billion Yen in the restructuring loadings for Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos also us take as the half second, ‘ said he. The bankers’ syndicate made recently the credit note card for unit a complete-possessed unit, in order to help the fighting card company to turn its business around. Japanese non bank credit-giving places a fast degradation into the business conditions confronted since the passage the last year of a new law, lowered to interest rate caps and released an avalanche of the requestrequest requests of the customers. The credit note card company is expected to communicate a net loss of 119,4 to billion Yen for the year until March 2008. The group does not have immediate plans to seize to the measures on ACOM, another non bank credit-sufficient place, said Kuroyanagi. Consequently total credit note at the financial Mitsubishi UFJ costs, or the costs, those were referred to writedowns or the removal of the risk credits, amounted to 267,5 billion Yen to the half first, compared with a Nettowriteback of 82,6 billion Yen the year in former times. More rigid competition Mitsubishi UFJ financial saw a degradation in the trading profit of its core banking transactions because of the acceptance in the results in loans to the korporativen clients and cases in incomes of the strange currency-designated trade in DarlehensForderungen, because it misjudged the tendency of the interest rates. Trading profit of the banking transactions — or profit of the usual banking transactions, including deposits, loans and foreign exchange rate and collateral of enterprises, after unique factors were eliminated — is generally used in Japan as announcement of the profit in the banking, in which other industries operating incomes begin. Only half trading profit of the banking transactions amounted to 740,95 billion Yen, down of 787,06 billion Yen. ‘ rigid-when-expected that competition behind the smaller results on loans is, ‘ said Kuroyanagi. The group formed net proceeds compared of 54,4 for billion Yen on its cheapness briefcase, with net proceeds of 13,8 billion Yen the year in former times. On net loss of 10,9 billion Yen on its loan depot took itself one, although this small than its loss of 14,5 billion Yen was one year before. The group pointed to progress in its balance restructuring. Bank Mitsubishi UFJ and Mitsubishi UFJ of the confidence, the core banking operations units Mitsubishi of the UFJ financially, held 1,18 quintillion Yen in non-accomplishing loans at the at the end of of Septembers or 1,29 per cent of their total progress, compared quintillion Yen or 1,43 per cent with 1,27 the year in former times. Main suitability the relationship was 12,65 per cent at the at the end of of Septembers, up from 11.95 per cent. For the year until March 2008, the group is responsible at its prognosis of the clear profit of 600 billion Yen, the Vorbesteuerungprofites of 1,15 quintillion Yen and the income of 6,50 quintillion Yen. before the financial Mitsubishi UFJ its results announced, closed its stock down 15,000 Yen or 1,6 per cent with 920.000 Yen. (1 US dollar = 109,08 Yen) stock exchange messages limited copyright Thomson 2007. All rights reserve. The copy, which new edition or the redistribution of Thomson of the stock exchange meaning, including by shapes or the similar means, expressly without prior the written agreement of Thomson stock exchange message forbidden. Newstex identification: AFX-0013-21140111


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Friday, December 28, 2007

Nissan North America preselects to enterprise-certified solution of the rotational acceleration systems, in order to replace LawPack. Affair management system

Spiders it systems, a prominent servicer of the enterprise widths certified solutions ”

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. 2007-12-02


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Nissan North America preselects to enterprise-certified solution of the rotational acceleration systems, in order to replace LawPack. Affair management system

Nissan North America has to enterprise-certified solution of the rotational acceleration systems - or SELS preselected - by the range of its activities of the legal department to extend and company wide possible certified processes to make.

Sterling -, VA (PRWEB) Decembers 1, 2007 — spiders you systems, a prominent servicer of the enterprise widths certified solutions fortune 500 to the companies and to the Federal Government agencies, today announces that Nissan North America the rotational acceleration-enterprise-certified solution - or SELS - which range of its activities of the legal department preselected to extend and to make company wide possible certified processes. The legal department and its clients and partners use the rotational acceleration-enterprise-certified solution to drive in order to analyze critical certified and business information of marking dangers decisions and increase achievement.

After it had led a competitive evaluation and with other SpinSys client had conferred, Nissan North America SELS selected a complete, enterprise width certified solution, which includes observance and risk management, document and contract and management, IP management, event and investigation management making and a co-operation available because of its potential to reach over affair management outside and.

“in the today’s fast changing business and in the certified climate there is no area for error,” avowed Scott Maybee, manager, certified finance and line at Nissan the North America, which is responsible during the enterprise for the introduction of of SELS within the legislative department and. “we selected SELS, because it supplies an extraordinarily flexible and proven platform, in order to fulfill our developing needs and to support our enterprise widths certified process. We expect completely a substantial ROI, like by a decrease the danger, the increased client satisfaction, the reduced costs, the increased timeliness of services and a more effective use of our operational funds measured.”

“we will contribute very to the partner with Nissan North America excited and to their global sight and to success,”, said Hatem Khalek, vice-president for commercial services at the rotational acceleration systems. “is Nissan at the prominent edge of the legal department technology and on to order place very best client services completely arranged. We make happy to work with them, to increase to its enterprise-broad certified, observance and risk management process further.”

Over Nissan North America: In North America enterprises Nissans the automotive Design, technology, include consumer and korporative financing, sales and marketing, distribution and production. More information over Nissan in North America and the complete line Nissan and Infiniti the carrier can on-line be found on, or, by associating, the korporativen means draw with 615-725-5631.

Over rotational acceleration systems: Rotational acceleration systems is THEM fast grow services and the solutions company, which is had in the technology corridor Dulles Nordvirginias. Its customer-bound applications of software and manufactured systems place complete biomedical intelligence solutions to United States Federal Government and enterprise width certified solutions to both government agencies and some the largest Korporationen of the world to the order. A singular offers to reduce rotational acceleration systems mixture of the experience, which expertise and the sense of sharp on, which produce solutions to analyze to take prisoner in order to meet customer needs -, monitor and the critical information of the Modells, which is necessary to drive decisions danger and increase achievement.

The rotational acceleration systems certified Suite, rotational acceleration-enterprise-certified solution, is a complete affair, a case and a project management solution, which are directed toward certified processes… including contracts, law case management, license management, event management, investigations, observance and more. Rotational acceleration-enterprise-certified solution supplies the precaution to customers with to react in order to mark new dangers and opportunities — and mobility.

To more information you visit please editorial contact: Shourya of jet rotational acceleration systems 703.318.0803

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