January 13, 2008
Before pursuers rest their case up to week center in the attempt its wife of a decade alienated from Daniel the Pittao, 48, former account executive, knew die from the murder was accused of.
Pittao, which was Court on attempt for week in the Oakland a county electric circuit, is loaded with murder in death by Tamara the Pittao, body the whose found in their Novi dwelling in November 1997. You throat were cut.
On Friday interior a designer testified she war in the Pittao, which is in Davisburg hanging curtains four months before Tamara Pittao head, that was died and this Tamara Pittao liess it husband and seized household of individual parts, during Daniel Pittao over the house stormed.
Terry, which Windemuth she testified, war, thus concerned over Tamara Pittaos security, die she remained, until the delegate of a police head arrived, in order to escort her from the house to.
The attempt is before judges Michael Warren. AUBURN HILL: French film festival to open to today at OU
The Tournees French Film festival, which celebrates contemporary French cinema, opens today at the Oakland University.
The festival plans another film everyone Sunday continuous February. 17. Die films are on French with English sub-titles.
Die films catch around 2 P.M. in Room 124 at the Wilson Hall on. There are no charge and die films is opened to public.
film the Todays is “
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